Montrose Air Station Museum – Membership Agreement
What you can expect from Montrose Air Station Museum
• We are a non-political organisation committed to equality and inclusion. We do not discriminate on the grounds of age, race, religion or belief, disability, gender, sexual orientation, and marital status;
• A professionally run museum which aims to deliver the advancement of aviation heritage within Scotland and beyond through maintaining the museum for the benefit of the public by giving access to the collection to promote the history of Montrose Air Station and those who served there, as well as the history of the RFC/RAF and the aircraft that saw service with the RAF.
What MASM would like to see from you
• That you enjoy your time at the museum;
• Courtesy and respect for fellow members;
• Respect for the aims and objectives of the MASM;
• To always represent MASM in a positive light to others;
• Not to use any member’s personal data for purposes other than that approved by MASM;
• To sign up to and adhere to the Members’ Code of Conduct.
Members’ Code of Conduct
All members who join the Montrose Air Station Museum agree to abide by the following guiding principles:
• When representing the Montrose Air Station Museum with external parties, members must ensure they do not bring the reputation of MASM into disrepute through their words or actions.
• Any member will not use the name of MASM for any purpose without prior approval of the Chairman, e.g. when conducting their own research, or sending out unofficial communications.
• All members will treat each other with respect and will not engage in behaviour which will cause distress to fellow members. We expect all members to uphold these values in their interactions, whether in person, via email, or through any other form of communication. Any verbal, written, or electronic communication that is discriminatory, harassing, abusive, or otherwise in breach of our equality and conduct standards may result in appropriate action, including the revocation of membership by the Trustees. All members agree to respect the views of others; engaging in discussions with courtesy and consideration, even when opinions differ.