Montrose Air Station Museum Amateur Radio Station GB2MAS
Reliable radio communications is essential to maintain efficiency in any of our armed forces. None more so than that used for pilot communications between aircraft and ground stations.
Radio techniques prior to the Second World War were, at best, rudimentary. Emerging technology up to and during the war progressed dramatically with many new techniques and equipment coming into use, RADAR being a good example.
Following this theme the air station has a dedicated Amateur Radio Station manned by licenced and keen members. Our aim communicate (sometimes worldwide) with other amateurs. We also have the staff and facilities to educate and submit candidates for the entry examination to obtain an amateur radio licence.
The section meets every Sunday afternoon, but can be heard on the air using GB2MAS (Montrose Air Station) at special events. Visitors wishing to see the station on air or the exhibits on days other than Sunday please contact Ewan (MM0BIX) or 01674 676740.